
A Word from Bishop Harvey on Charlottesville

August 18, 2017
As I watch the news feed from Charlottesville, VA come across my phone, my heart aches.

Many of you have reminded us of perhaps the weightiest of questions asked at our baptism:

"Do you accept the freedom and power God gives you to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves?"

Answering this question with a firm 'yes' comes with great responsibility.

As faithful followers of Jesus Christ we, by the power of the Holy Spirit, can change the course of history through our prayers, our actions and our voice to resist the powers of evil and never accept oppression and injustice in whatever forms they present themselves.

My prayers are with the family of the person killed, the injured and the families of so many who will go to bed tonight grieving and confused.

I am also in prayer for our clergy here in Louisiana.

Tomorrow, they will share a word of truth, grace and hope in the midst of the events in Charlottesville, the day-to-day oppression so many experience in our own neighborhoods and, all the while, reflect on the past year here in south Louisiana - a year that has seen grieving and suffering of a different sort due to the historic flood. 

Once again, we turn to our liturgy, "Remember your baptism and be thankful."

Grace and Peace, 
Bishop Cynthia Fierro Harvey

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